Chatting with AI: The Power of Positivity!
Unlocking the Secrets of Large Language Models: How the Right Words Can Supercharge Your Results.
Hey Gang! 🚀
I've got some piping-hot insights straight out of Google Deep Mind for you today.
If there is one thing I’ve been strong on since starting the Little Blue Reoprt and my YouTube channel, it’s the power of language and how we communicate with our AI mates.
I’d hoped somebody would delve into the research, and a team over at Deep Mind delivered, publishing a fascinating new report titled “Large Language Models As Optimizers”
My new video has all the details as I act as a translator for the paper.
Here's the scoop:
Optimization Through Language Models: We've always known words have power, but who knew saying "Take a deep breath and work on this problem step by step" to an AI could make such a difference? We're talking a whopping accuracy score of 80.2! Mind. Blown.
The Power of Positivity: Turns out, being the fun, engaging human you are when chatting with these models isn't just for laughs. It actually yields better results. So, next time you're prompting, throw in a little charm. 😉
Training Techniques Unveiled: From training prompts in a specific order to emphasize the end of your instructions, there's a method to the madness. And guess what? It's all backed by evidence.
Rate to Elevate: When teaching our AI pals, rating examples can be a game-changer. Think of it as giving a little feedback, from 1 to 10. They'll appreciate it!
Less is More: A few well-chosen examples can go a long way. No need to bombard our digital friends with too much info.
Happiness is the Key: If there's one thing to take away, it's this: optimize for happiness. Be fun, be positive, and watch the magic unfold.
Phrase It Right: Ever thought about the impact of a single phrase? Starting prompts with gems like "Take a deep breath and work on this problem step by step" might just be the secret sauce.
I know I've given you a lot to chew on, but if you're hungry for more, you must check out the video. It's packed with even more juicy tidbits.
Before you dash off, do me a favour. Share this newsletter and video on your socials.
Stay curious, stay awesome, and remember: always be nice to your AI. 😉
Catch you on the flip side!